
Does your home have working smoke alarms?

It’s a fact. Smoke alarms save lives. Protect your home and your family by ensuring you have working smoke alarms. 


Does your home have working smoke alarms?

It’s a fact. Smoke alarms save lives. Protect your home and your family by ensuring you have working smoke alarms. 



Learn about the history of smoke alarms, why they save lives, and how working smoke alarms have improved the fire code. This history of smoke alarms is fascinating, and the fact remains that every home and apartment must maintain working smoke alarms.



Organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the US Fire Administration, and FEMA all conduct research into fire safety and the effectiveness of modern smoke alarms, both in homes and in multi-unit apartment buildings.


There are two ways to get new 10-year, sealed smoke alarms installed in your home. You can install them yourself, or you can contact one of our installation partners, who will provide the alarms and installation at no charge. It’s fast and easy. Learn more today!

Don't become a statistic. Fire Burns, Smoke Kills™.

A mission to save lives


If your home has working smoke alarms, you are twice as likely to survive a working home fire than a structure without functional smoke alarms. Several thousand people lose their lives to house fires every year. A majority of those homes did not have working smoke alarms. Don’t become a statistic.

Results that matter

Fire Installation MAp

This map highlights locations where smoke alarms have been installed by MySafe:LA. In addition, locations where fatality fires have occurred in the past are shown.

Smoke Alarms Installed


Smoke Alarms Provided


CO detectors Installed

We Need Your Help!

MySmokeAlarm is designed to help people who need fire safety materials and smoke alarms to receive them at no charge.

To help offset the expense of these materials, we ask that you consider a donation to The Safe Community Project, a California non-profit public benefit corporation. A $25 donation helps us provide a family of four with three smoke alarms, family escape plans, and other materials to help them be better prepared in the event of a fire.

Smoke Alarm Request Form

Do you need smoke alarms? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.